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Shadowing at Hillview

Thank you for your interest in Hillview!  We realize that there are many great middle schools on the peninsula, and we appreciate the opportunity to have your child experience what being a Hillview student is like.  Our staff is committed to educating the whole child by fostering a community that values academic excellence, kindness, respect, and tolerance, as well as personal responsibility and self-advocacy.

Our shadowing program is designed for students who do not attend a school in the MPCSD but live within the MPCSD attendance boundaries.


Available shadow dates for 24-25

  • Friday, Dec. 6th

Scheduling a Shadow Date:

Please complete the Google form:

What to Expect:

We ask that shadows arrive in the main office by 8:15 a.m. and bring with them a book to read, and a snack for brunch (they will not need to bring lunch). Pick up is at 12:00 p.m. in the office. Please plan to stay for an additional 15-20 minutes for you and your child to meet with our Principal or Assistant Principals.