California law specifies that every public school has an Associated Student Body that resembles the idea of a student council. Here at Hillview we call it the ASB. The ASB organizes spirit events, tracks Block H points, hosts contests of all sorts during the year and many other fun things.
Let’s start with the tough news...not everyone will earn a spot on the roster. On average, ASB has room for about one-third of applicants. This is “taking a risk” and we applaud you for stepping up and challenging yourself! It’s best to hope for the best, but prepare for the worst and it can be quite disappointing to fall short of our goals. Remember, however, that Hillview has many leadership positions during your 8th grade year including: WEB, Hillview Service Team, Club Leaders, and so much more. Plus, ASB is ALWAYS looking for volunteers to set up and clean up events, so we will always welcome you as part of the team!
Application Timeline
- : Declare candidacy/ Form is here (Form closes at 3pm)
- : Release of Application / Parent & Child Info Zoom
- : Application is due! [Written, Creative, Video]
- : Speeches Published / Ballots Open / Voting Begins / Executive Board candidates interviewed by current ASB members
- : Ballots Close / Voting Ends at 3pm
- : Results Revealed to Candidates
- : New ASB Student Council holds first formal meetings and initiation.
Positions Available
General Rules for ASB Campaigning
Rules for Video & Posters
Other Links and Info
Frequently Asked Questions
Positions Available for 2024-2025 ASB Leadership Class
Executive Board
- President (*VP is the runner-up)
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Block H Commissioner (new!)
- Art Publicity Commissioner
The Cabinet
- Cabinet [No student voting] *About 20-25 spots
- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Officer
- Student Store and Inventory Manager
- Photography and Media Manager
- Activities Commissioner
See the complete job description in the Hillview ASB Constitution. If you run for Executive Board, you can opt-in to have your score calculated for a Cabinet position. This is NOT a guarantee into the ASB class.
Expectations of ASB Students
Kindness. Respect. Empathy. Integrity. These are the core characteristics of all ASB members.
There are some after school and before school commitments, but we work around any schedule. “Next person up” will fill in the jobs on days you cannot make it. We expect students to work extra hard during class time.
Students interested in taking leadership roles within ASB for HawkTalk should consider getting to school about 15 minutes early most days to set up the broadcast. Some content creation will ask students to visit off site locations or edit from home.
We expect students to be leaders and role models for the school. This means their academic integrity and behavior outside of the ASB classroom can and will affect their ability to serve. Student leaders who do not uphold our core values of kindness, respect, empathy, and integrity will be asked to leave ASB. We have a zero tolerance policy for academic dishonesty or bullying.
General Rules for ASB Campaigning
This year, candidates for executive board have an option to do a poster campaign to convince students to vote for them.
- You can find examples in the "Other Links and Info" section below
- Posters can have pictures, slogans, and should be posted around the school or on the quad stage
In addition, all applicants must create and submit a video speech to convince the student body that you will be a good addition to ASB.
- These videos can be a parody of a song, speeches or anything else you can think of. Be sure to make creative and interesting videos and keep them under 3 minutes.
- For people running for executive board, these videos will be made public to other students so they can watch and decide who they will vote for. All other videos remain private.
In addition to the written application, students running for executive board will have to be interviewed by a current ASB member.
There are to be no additional posters, flyers, buttons, giveaways, Goodyear blimps, financial promises, etc. to promote one’s candidacy.
- This is not only an equity issue, but it takes away from the spirit of the election.
In addition, all candidates must adhere to a strict code of conduct ensuring there is no negative talk about other other candidates, posting of negative social media content, etc.
- They should focus only on their own candidacy and qualifications. Negative content about other candidates will immediately disqualify you from being part of ASB.
All things combined, we think this will give students a good idea of what to expect from each candidate while allowing candidates to use their creativity and voice to connect with the student body.
Rules for Video & Posters
In addition to the general outline above, the video has its own specific rules.
- Maximum three minutes
- School appropriate language and dress norms.
- No flashes of wealth.
- No outrageous school promises or negative talk towards HV or your opponents.
- Candidates should stick to the job responsibilities outlined in the ASB Constitution.
So, fun?!? Of course not! You can use your words, talents, humor, singing, dance, editing, style, and slogans to promote yourself and connect with the student body on why YOU are a great candidate for the job. The video and poster campaigns should be fun and show your personality and qualifications.
Other Links and Info
Declare Your Candidacy [You can complete this short form now] All Candidates Submit
The Application Submission Form [Written, Creative] All Candidates Submit
The Video Submission Form [“Speeches”] All Candidates Submit
View the ASB Constitution [Includes Job Descriptions of Each Position]
Poster Example
Check out these two examples for some inspiration: Example 1 and Example 2
Frequently Asked Questions
What to do next? Students should declare their candidacy as soon as possible so staff can prepare for the elections. Students should read the ASB Constitution, and review the application to get an idea of how much time to budget.
Will parents be kept in the loop? Yes. Sort of. Email communications will be sent periodically as long as the parent email appears on the candidate declaration form. At the parent information night, we will review how results will be shared, set dinner table conversations about expectations, and remind you that middle school elections can be intimidating, but we will all be okay!
Should parents help?
As little as possible on the content. It’s okay to remind your child of the application and do the “housekeeping” stuff, but at the end of the day, if your child wants to be a leader on campus, they should navigate this process on their own.
Can you explain how voting and scoring work?
It’s in the ASB Constitution, and we can show you the rubric ahead of time! If you have any other questions, please reach out to Mr. Chui.
How will the results be given?
Results will be given in person at the end of May/beginning of June, as we will resume our traditional swearing in of new ASB members.
Is it fair? Isn’t it just some popularity contest?
No process is perfect, but we can safely say our process is quite objective and fair. We use grading rubrics to score applications on a level playing field and the votes themselves make up 50% of the final scores. Do some students simply vote for their friends? Of course! This is middle school after all. However, many students carefully listen to the speeches and read the Poster statements to get an idea of what the candidate stands for.
How is ASB Funded?
ASB is primarily funded through the purchase of an ASB Card which supports student activities and entitles the card holder to discounted entry to dances, one yearbook at year’s end and other benefits. ASB cards are available at the start of the school year through the end of October. The purchase of an ASB card is optional.
When does ASB Meet?
ASB meets Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, during fourth period. On most Tuesdays, meetings are held in order to approve budgets and checks of committees. A lot of times ASB runs/works into lunch, because they set up spirit games, play music, and do other lunchtime activities.
What are some of the fun unique things that the ASB gets to do?
At the start of the year, ASB goes to Disneyland together, for community and leadership building. In addition, they plan and set up dances, spirit weeks, and charity events. Really, anything that the ASB does all together is fun, because of how closely bonded they are.
To stay up-to-date on announcements and to access this document, join our Google Classroom:
If you have any other questions, feel free to talk to Mr. Gumbrect or email